Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Haiti Has Hope

Don't let my writing, photos or media reports make you think anything other than the fact that 
Haiti Has Hope.
Harvest Care Orphans raising the Haitian flag
 and singing their national anthem.

After hearing for years that Haiti was too big, to complicated to solve. I was discouraged.

I've read in books how complicated Haiti's problems are. How politicians and political policies have buried Haiti under a cloud of despair. I was discouraged.

I thought about the fact that their are MILLIONS of people in Haiti. That event the best of intentions wouldn't reach the masses. I felt hopeless.

But then I visited Haiti. I met the people. I saw some of the bad, but I mainly saw hope. Hope.

Over the last few years the United States was in recession and hope was lost by many. But we continued on.  Businesses and people did what we do... we survived. We adjusted and we figured out a way to go on and improve.  Not because of a government policy... but in spite of it.

Haiti is doing the same thing. The cards are stacked against it, but those who have counted Haiti out have forgotten an important factor... the Haitians. Most of them are beaten down by poverty. By natural disasters. Beaten down by loss. But there is hope.

Hope is in the form of those who are willing to love and serve and show Jesus to them. When they are loved and served they get to know Jesus.

Jesus is hope.  Jesus is love. Not in some hippie kumbaya singing way, but because Jesus knew what it was like to be beat down. He knows what loss felt like. He knew on the other side of the pain was the execution of a plan. God's plan.

Haiti has hope because of Jesus.
Haiti has hope because of Haitians.
Haiti has hope because of the men and woman who serve them.
Haiti has hope because of people like Kelly who serves the kids.
Haiti has hope because of the Fudge family who lives there everyday spilling Gods hope and love on them.

Haiti has hope.

What Can We Do To Create Hope?

  • Serve Them - You should go an serve them. Set up a group with Back2Back and serve the Haitians.
  • Support Those Who Serve - Not called to go? Support those who are.

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