Yesterday my wife Crystal mentioned that a month ago we were in Haiti. A month ago. Not even 30 days ago. My reaction was complete shock, and honestly, a little shame. Shame that Haiti has fallen so far from my mind already.
Somehow my daily responsibilities and life in general has saturated my life and washed Haiti from my mind all but 20 to 30 minutes a day during prayers or when stories come up.
I wonder how the rest of our group is doing. If life has overtaken their thoughts of Haiti.
It just so happens that Crystal mentioned Haiti on a day that I was thinking quite a bit about Haiti. Missing it. I was processing on the fact that every week away is a week that the kids I saw will meet new people. Have new experiences. Sooner or later I will be a blurry white face among many other faces who have come, shown them love for several days, and disappeared. It breaks my heart.
I'm glad that I can play a small part in their youth. Provide them a couple moments of smiles and love in a life that will likely be much difficult than the life I know. But I wish it was more.
I thank God for the Fudge family who is down there. They are consistent faces among the many groups. Each group member that goes down there affects a child for a moment, plays a part of a larger plan that God is working on. But those children in the few moments we get with them affect us so much more.
Life battles out the memories of the children that I met in Haiti. My own kids place my mind under duress, displacing my memories of the kids that affected my week in Haiti, like Lukeson and Kenya.
I'm battling to keep Haiti fresh. I'm hoping to keep the urgency alive.
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